Baidu is the name of the most popular regional search engine in China. It is a search engine specifically for Chinese websites. The process of search engine optimization (SEO) is somewhat similar to general search engines like Google in that content, links, and keywords are important but there are some additional considerations that must be […]
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Yandex is the name of the Russian equivalent of the search engine Google. The name is short for “Yet Another Indexer.” In fact, it is the most popular search engine in Russia. This is probably because it is primarily for Russian websites and text is in the native language of that country. It is estimated […]
Some of your have asked me to create a tutorial for Mac for running script. This post is the answer to your queries. Without further ado here are the steps: PART 1 – Installing XAMPP & Copying Files 1> Download XAMPP for Mac at this link 2> Install XAMPP using instructions at: this link […]
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This is an update to my earlier post. I am currently working (in my spare time) on several items (most are not mentioned in the book): > Video tutorial for SEO Warrior Keyword Dashboard –> February 21, 2010 > SEO Competitor Research Tool (collaboration with a partner site) –> by the end of November, 2010 > Mouse Tracking […]
The purpose of the Perl script is to dimistify what it is that makes search engines tick. More importantly it helps you learn about your competitors for your specific (targeted) keywords. It takes the top ten (or one hundred) results from Google (and Bing) and performs an in-depth analysis. You get to see how keywords […]
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Some of you have had some issues in setting up your environments to run either Perl or PHP scripts. This tutorial will show you how you can do that easily by utilizing XAMPP. In just a few minutes you should be able to run everything by following the steps shown in this tutorial. To start, […]
Thank you for your patience. You can download the latest SEO Warrior code at: All of the book scripts are found under /xampp/htdocs/book/downloads folder. This release will be the last major release for the SEO Warrior book. The next minor release (if any) will be on March 15th, 2010. As promised, I will be releasing tutorial […]
Continue reading about SEO Warrior Scripts Update (all under XAMPP now)!
Vertical search engines are also known as specialized search engines and they can oftentimes be very useful in quickly pinpointing the information you need without having to filter through general results pages. They also go by the name of topical search engines in that you search in the context of a main topic. Topics can […]
Continue reading about The Dynamics and SEO of Vertical Search Engines
As promised, I have been working to incorporate all of the SEO Warrior scripts under XAMPP umbrella. Here are some of the things coming up in the next few days starting January 15th. – integrated all book scripts into XAMPP for easy navigation & installation (you would simply open http://localhost:10000/index.html to start navigation) – […]
Continue reading about New SEO Warrior Code Release on Target for January 15th, 2010
Bing is Microsoft’s solution to performing web searches on the Internet and, while relatively new, it holds promise as a major challenger to Google’s share of the market. This is especially the case since Microsoft joined in an agreement with Yahoo! Search to combine resources starting in 2010. The first question that those doing site […]
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